Atomic Arrowz Bream Flats Rod


For ultimate responsiveness and strength, these technique specific rods are constructed of full graphite for incredible power, sensitivity and lightness. Combined with the unequalled precision of Fuji components, these are ideal for any tuned in Bream angler. With both the Bream Surface 70BS and the Bream Crank 70BC, the demands of bream fishing will be handled, and your bream target hit, with the Atomic Arrowz.

Product Specs

Model Reel Seat Length PCS Type Rod Rating Lure Weight
AAS-276BFC VSSM 7’6″ 2 Spin 1 – 5lb 2 – 10g
AAS-276BFS VSSM 7’6 2 Spin 3 – 8lb 2 – 12g