Ecogear Scent Range
$11.95 – $34.99
Scents have become such a game changer in the fishing scene in recent years and theres none better on the scene than this awesome range by the guys at Ecogear. Make the change and watch the hook-up average increase dramatically – your target species will not be able to resist!
Product Specs
EGIMAX has fish attractants and a powder which reacts to light to emit ultraviolet rays, making it a daytime spray. Packed with Squids favourite concentrated natural attractants. Simply spray the lure for a strong coating of “taste and scent”.
GLOWMAX has a glow powder mixed in, making it an attractant and luminescent for evening and midnight fishing. Not only does it have natural feeding stimulants, it also lets off light at a certain wavelength appealing to squid. The “taste and scent”, and on top of this “light” from stimulate the squids smell, taste and sight senses to get them feeding.
Rabamax is an advanced fish an attractant with advanced ingredients particularly suited to bream, snapper and many saltwater reef species. It is a lure spray that adds a small glow effect and UV to the lure. Can also be used on soft plastics, rubber jigs and hardbody lures.