FCL Labo CSP S180S Sinking Stickbait
The FCL Labo CSP has been the stickbait to have over past few years. With a host of great captures to its name it is no wonder its a personal favourite of many anglers worldwide. Originally built as a floating model we had a sinking version built and it has not disappointed!
Product Specs
The chiseled face on the CSP produces one of the best sub surface walk the dog actions we have ever seen in a GT stickbait. Long slow sweeps, fast twitches and rips all work great. It can also generate a skittering action when worked fast on the surface. Even on a straight retrieve the CSP will wobble seductively side to side enticing Kingfish and GT’s to take a bite. Proven everywhere from the Great Barrier Reef to the topwater kingfish heaven that is Tauranga, the CSP S180S is definitely a must have in the kit!
Type Sinking Stickbait
Weight 95g
Length 180mm