Berkley Gulp 4″ Nemesis Plastics


The New Berkley Gulp! 5” Nemesis was a special request from our Berkley Pro Team and could just be the perfect size bait for targeting big fish. A new size that slots a gap in in the proven Nemesis lineup, its slender body gets down fast with the Nemesis tail always working when it’s moving forward in the water column. Whether your chasing monster flathead or big reds offshore, the Gulp! 5” Nemesis will fast become a formidable bait in your box.

Product Specs

GSNM4-C GL NEMESIS 4IN CAMOCamo4in | 10cmNemesis
GSNM4-FT NEMESIS 4IN FIRETIGERFiretiger4in | 10cmNemesis
GSNM4-GLP NEMESIS 4IN GLITTER PINKGlitter Pink4in | 10cmNemesis
GSNM4-PP NEMESIS 4IN PEPPER PRAWNPeppered Prawn4in | 10cmNemesis
GSNM4-PS NEMESIS 4IN PUMPKINSEEDPumpkinseed4in | 10cmNemesis
GSNM4-PWML GL NEMESIS 4IN PEARL WTRMLNPearl Watermelon4in | 10cmNemesis
GSNMS4-BPN GL NEMESIS 4IN BL PEPPER NEONBlue Pepper Neon4in | 10cmNemesis
GSNMS4-CGS NEMESIS 4IN CLR GRN SILClear Green Silver4in | 10cmNemesis
GSNMS4-CLPH NEMESIS 4IN CLR LAV PRL HOLClear Lavender Pearl Holo4in | 10cmNemesis
GSNMS4-CPSMR NEMESIS 4IN CLR PURP SHMRClear Purple Shimmer4in | 10cmNemesis
GSNMS4-NCH GL NEMESIS 4IN NUCLEAR CHICKNNuclear Chicken4in | 10cmNemesis
  • Minnow style body
  • Fine extra action curl tail
  • Built from the scientifically developed Gulp! formula