Wilson Pre-Pack Ball Sinkers


Ball sinkers are the most commonly used sinkers on the market. Their round profile makes them easy to use in just about any situation where a specialised sinker is not required. Ball sinkers allow baits to move around with the current, are easy to cast and simple to rig as running sinkers or fixed sinkers.

Product Specs

Code Description QTY
WPPBALL00 Pre-pack Ball Sinker 00 25
WPPBALL0 Pre-pack Ball Sinker 0 18
WPPBALL1 Pre-pack Ball Sinker 1 12
WPPBALL2 Pre-pack Ball Sinker 2 9
WPPBALL3 Pre-pack Ball Sinker 3 7
WPPBALL4 Pre-pack Ball Sinker 4 6
WPPBALL5 Pre-pack Ball Sinker 5 4
WPPBALL6 Pre-pack Ball Sinker 6 3