Trophy Hunter Jig Spin Rods


Trophy Hunter Jig Rods have been meticulously designed by fishing icon Michael Bonnici in a quest to create a quality lineup of jig rods that are a pleasure to jig with, effortlessly fight fish with and most importantly, a set of rods you can rely on time after time. The search for the perfect jig rod is over.

Product Specs

Model Type Sections Length Line  Jig Weight
604 Spin Light 1 pc 6’0″ PE 3-5 100-250g
586 Spin Medium 1 pc 5’8″ PE 4-6 150-300g
568 Spin Heavy 1 pc 5’6″ PE 6-8 200-400g

FUJI: All chrome frame Fuji Silicon guides and Deluxe Fuji reel seats